
You provide the subject and Spanner in the works theatre company  will research, write and perform and/or facilitate a tailor made performance to enhance your conference.

We will liase with you at all levels to make sure the performance really puts across the right message to your delegates.

This can be a straight performance or can include the use of worksheets, forum theatre, games and discussions.

Alternatively, Spanner in the works theatre company can work with a group of your choice in association with your organisation to produce a piece of issue based drama


Delivering Social Change Conference

Thank you so much again for all your help in creating a great start to our conference. It was an absolute pleasure to meet and work with you and I hope we get the chance to work together in the future.




Feedback on Spanner in the Works ‘Changing Times’ piece

With energy, passion and meaning

It was very good

Entertaining start to a conference

I thought this was a an excellent and poignant drama piece which highlighted some very real (and some very subtle) issues that exist for youths in NI today

Good to see a drama illustrating some of the issues currently. Good start to the day!

Well delivered, captured a number of issues and set the tone for the morning

Excellent, well delivered and entertaining as well as thought provoking.

Very original and novel way to get across message. Difficult audience but they handled this very well. Good way to start conference.

It was an interesting way to start the conference, focusing minds on the people in society who most need extra help to lead full healthy lives and reach their potential.

Very good piece, got the audience thinking about poverty and perceptions